Sunday, June 10, 2007

Name Numerology

Name Numerology : Introduction

In this section we will learn how a change in your name can bring you good fortune. Politicians, movie stars, celebrities and millions of people the world over have changed their names as per name numerology. Every alphabet of English language has been assigned a mystical number. Learn the influence of these numbers on your name and life and make your name more profitable for you. . This section also has an interesting blog - 'Who has changed his name' which is chronicle of famous people who have changed their names on the basis of numerology.

Well though there are no scientific basis for Name Numerology, it is the experience of millions of people that a change in their name brought good fortune to them.

Further, it is also the experience of many that a change in their name brought misfortune to them and accordingly they return to their original name.

The whole art of Name Numerology has been based on this assumption that every alphabet of English Language has a mysterious number assigned to it.

Now who started this assigning of numbers to them and why only 'English' was chosen as the sole language for Name Numerology and just how the effect of these alphabets (when used in spellings) was calculated/arrived at; are some questions for which you can only find speculative answers.

It is however widely believed that this Name Numerology was first of all published by Cheiro in his book ;The Cheiro's Book of Numerology (a major portion of which has been published on this website) It is understood that Name Numerology was first of all invented by Chaldeans who passed it to Hebrews.

The Name Numerology can be of greatest practical utility to every man or woman who wishes to aid in the hard struggle for existence.

On Next Page I am going to describe this secret knowledge of Name Numerology in the easiest possible manner. I hope that by calculating your name on the basis of this system, you will be able to create a harmonious name for which which will bring good fortune to you.

Name Numerology : Simplified in three easy steps

We will now learn the secret art of Name Numerology in three easy steps.

Name Numerology helps you to know whether your name is fortunate for you or not.

If yes, it suggest how can you make it more fortunate for you.

If not it tells you how to make it fortunate by making changes in your name's spelling (by adding/ deleting one or more words from it) or alternatively how to adopt a new lucky name for you.

This entire procedure has three steps :

(1) Calculate the compound Number of your Name.

(2) Read the influence of this compound Number.

(3) If the influence is positive, keep using it. If it is
negative change your name's spelling by adding
or deleting some alphabets and make your
name lucky for you.

Simple ! Isn't it ?

It's really that simple. Apart from telling you about your name, it can also help you determine : whether your city is lucky for you or not, whether a particular day in future will be lucky for you or not.

OK Now we'll learn the above three steps in detail.

Let us learn the first step:

Step 1 : Calculate the compound Number of your Name

Before learning the calculation of compound number, let us have a quick look over the difference between single numbers (1-9) and compound Numbers (10-onwards)

The single numbers denote what the man or woman appears to be in the eyes of their fellow mortals, while the double or compound numbers show the hidden influences that play their role behind the scenes as it were, and in some mysterious way often foreshadow the future or the hidden current of destiny of the individual

Now let us learn to calculate compound numbers.

Every alphabet in English language has been assigned an occult number as follows:
A = 1 N = 5
B = 2 O = 7
C = 3 P = 8
D = 4 Q = 1
E = 5 R = 2
F = 8 S = 3
G = 3 T = 4
H = 5 U = 6
I or J = 1 V = 6
K = 2 W = 6
L = 3 X = 5
M = 4 Y = 1
Z = 7

It may be seen that there is no number 9 given in the above alphabet, for the simple reason that those ancient masters of Occultism knew that in the" Highest Sphere" the number 9 represents the 9-lettered name of God, and for this reason no single letter was ascribed to it.

If, however, the letters in a name should total up and produce the number 9, the meaning of it is that given as I set out in the chapter dealing with the number 9, and for the compound numbers of the 9 such as the 18, 27, etc.

The next important question to answer is the following: Are all the Christian and Surnames to be added together to find the last digit or number?

The answer to that is, that it is the most used Christian and Surname that must be added together to give the Key number; when the Surname is more used or more in evidence than the Christian name, then it is taken to give the Key number.

Let us calculate the compound number of one name as example:

If the name is JOHN SMITH , then it's compound number will be calculated as follows:
J = 1 S = 3
O = 7 M = 4
H = 5 I = 1
N = 5 T = 4

18 = 9


H = 5
17 = 8


So the compound number of John Smith will be 9 + 8 = 17. You can easily calculate the compound number of your name this way :

Now let us learn about the influence of compound numbers of name on a person. That is let's move to our second step :

Step 2 : Learn the influence of compound Number on our life

Now I am going to describe the detailed explanation of compound numbers clearly stating their significance and the qualities they symbolized.

The origin of this symbolism of compound number is lost in antiquity. In ancient times, it was given in pictures and may still be found in Tarot Cards.

For some personal reasons I am not giving a word by word explanation of this symbolism of compound numbers (as was originally provided by Cheiro). However, I am providing a simpler and easier explanation of these compound numbers which can be used by anyone to make accurate predictions.

So here begin the explanation of the meaning and significance of Compound numbers used in Name Numerology.

10. A fortunate number. A good chance that your plan will be carried out. Please note, howeevr, that your intentions (good or bad) will be important. Remember : You'll reap what you sow.

11. An ominous number. You'll have to face great difficulties in carrying out your plans. Indicates warning of hidden dangers, trial, and treachery from others.

12. Not a fortunate number. Indicates sacrifice or victimization for the plans or intrigues of others.

13. Contrary to popular belief, this number is not unfortunate. It, however, indicates warning of the unknown or unexpected if it becomes a "compound" number in one's calculations. It it comes in your calculation, it indicates change of plans, place, and such-like. It also symbolized "Power" which should not be misused or it may wreak destruction upon itself. It is a number of warning of the unknown or unexpected.

14. This number is fortunate for dealings with money, speculation, and. changes in - business, but there is always a strong element of risk and danger attached to it, but generally owing to the actions and foolhardiness of others. So be careful of others and take your own well calculated decision with caution and prudence.

15. This number, If associated with a good or fortunate single number, can be very lucky and powerful, but if associated with one of the peculiar numbers, such as a 4 or an 8, the person it represents will use every good or bad (even of the worst kind) means to achieve his goal. It is also associated with" good talkers," often with eloquence, gifts of Music and Art and a dramatic personality, combined with a certain voluptuous temperament and strong personal magnetism. For obtaining money, gifts, and favours from others it is a fortunate number.

16. An unlucky number. Contains warning of some strange fatality awaiting one, also danger of accidents and defeat of one's plans. If it appears as a "compound" number relating to the future, it is a warning sign that should be carefully noted and plans made in advance in the endeavour to avert its fatalistic tendency.

17. An extremely fortunate number provided it is not associated with the single numbers of fours and eights.
This is a highly spiritual number, and symbolized "Peace and Love." Fortunate in relation to future events and indicates that your name will after you.

18. A symbol of materialism striving to destroy the spiritual side of the nature. It generally associates a person with bitter quarrels, even family ones, also with war, social upheavals, revolutions; and in some cases it indicates making money and position through wars or by wars. It is, however, a warning of treachery, deception by others, also danger from natural events such. as storms, danger from water, fires and explosions. All in all - not a lucky number. Caution and great care is recommended while using this number in relation to future events.

19. An extremely fortunate and favourable number. It is symbolised as "the Sun" and promises happiness,
success, esteem and honour. A very luck number for future events.

20. It is not a material number, rather a spiritual one. Consequently it's potential in worldly success is doubtful.
If used in relation to a future event, it denotes delays, hindrances to one's plans, which can only be conquered
through the development of the spiritual side of the nature.

The explanation of compound numbers from 21 onward are on the next page

The influence of compound
Numbers 21-31 on our life


21. This number is symbolized by the picture of "the Universe," and it is also called" the Crown of the Magi." It is a number of advancement, honours, elevation in life, and general success. It means victory after a long fight, for "the Crown of the Magi" is only gained after long initiation and tests of determination. It is a fortunate number of promise if it appears in any connection with future events however, one must be prepared for the long fight.

22. This number symbolised a good person who lives in dreams and illusion under the influence of others and who awakens only when surrounded by danger. It is also a number of false judgment owing to the influence of others. As a number in connection with future events its warning and meaning should be carefully noted.

23. A very fortunate number. It indicates success, help from superiors and protection from those in high places. A most fortunate number in dealing with future events.

24. This is also a fortunate number. It promises the assistance and association of those of rank and position with one's plans; it also denotes gain through love and the opposite
sex; it is a favourable number when it comes out in relation
to future events.

25. This number denotes strength gained through experience. It is not considered exactly "lucky," as its success is given through strife and trials in the earlier life. It is favourable when it appears in regard to the future.

26. This is one of the unluckiest numbers. It indicates gravest warnings for the future and foreshadows disasters brought about by association with others; ruin by bad speculations, by partnerships, unions, and bad advice. If it comes out in connection with future events one should carefully consider the path one is treading.

27. A lucky number promising authority, power, and command. It indicates that reward will come from the productive intellect. In simple words, persons with this" compound" number at their back should carry out their own ideas and plans.

28. A number of contradictions. It symbolized a person
of great promise and possibilities who is likely to see all
taken away from him unless he carefully arrange for the
future. It also indicates loss through trust in others, opposition
and competition in trade, danger of loss through law, and
the likelihood of having to begin life's road over and over again
It is not a fortunate number.

29. A very unlucky number. It denotes uncertainties, treachery, and deception of others It foreshadows trials and tribulation, unexpected dangers, unreliable friends and deception caused by members of the opposite sex. It gives grave warning if it comes out in anything concerning future events.

30. A number which is neither fortunate nor unfortunate. It indicates strong mental faculties of a person. But that person will have the tendencies to put all materials things on one side -not because he has to, but because he wish to do so. This number can be powerful or indifferent depending upon the will or desire of the person.

31. This number is very similar to the preceding one, except that the person it represents is even more self-contained,
lonely, and isolated from his fellows. It is not a fortunate number from a worldly or material standpoint.

The explanation of compound numbers from 32 onward are on the next page

The influence of compound
Numbers 32 onwards


32. A lucky number. Usually associated with combinations of people and nations. The person should hold to his own judgment and opinions, if not, his 'plans are likely to become wrecked by the stubbornness and stupidity of others. It is a favourable number if it appears in connection with future events.

33. This number has no potency of its own, and consequently has the same meaning as the number 24 which is also a 6 - and the next to it in its own series of "compound" numbers.

34. Has the same meaning as the number 25, which is the next to it in its own series of "compound" numbers.

35. Has the same meaning as the number 26, which is the next to it in"its own series of "compound" numbers.

36. Has the same meaning as the number 27, which is the next to it in its own series of "compound" numbers.

37. This number has a distinct potency of its own. It is a number of good and fortunate friendships in love, and in combinations connected with the opposite sex. It is also good for partnerships of all kinds. It is a fortunate indication if it appears in connection with future events.

38. Has the same meaning as the number 29, which is the next to it in its own series of "compound" numbers.

39. Has the same meaning as the number 30, which is the next to it in its own series of "compound" numbers.

40. Has the same meaning as the number 31, which is next to it in its own series of "compound" numbers.

41. Has the same meaning as the number 32, which is next to it in its own series of "compound" numbers.

42. Has the same meaning as the number 24.

43. It is an unfortunate number. It is symbolised by the signs of revolution, upheaval, strife, failure, and prevention, and is not a fortunate number if it comes out in calculations relating to future events.

44. Has the same meaning as 26.

45. Has the same meaning as 27.

46. Has the same meaning as 37.

47. Has the same meaning as 29.

48. Has the same meaning as 30.

49. Has the same meaning as 31.

50. Has the same meaning as 32.

5I. A very lucky number having a powerful potency of its own. It represents the nature of the warrior and promises sudden
advancement in whatever one undertakes; it is especially favourable for those in military or naval life and for leaders
in any cause. At the same time, however, it also indicates threatens enemies, danger, and the likelihood of assassination.

52. Has the same meaning as 43.

We have thus completed the 52 numbers which represent the 52 weeks of our year, and for all practical purposes there is no necessity to proceed farther.

Let us proceed to our third step of 'Numerology Simplified' and understand how can we use this knowledge of compound numbers to have a luck name, business or day.

Using compound Numbers to find a lucky name, business, city


Calculating a lucky Name or how to make a name luckier

The Rule

Calculate the compound number of name. Read the interpretation of compound number. If it represent a lucky number then accept that name. If it represent an unlucky number then try to add/delete some letters to/from that name and make it a correspond to a lucky compound numbers.

An Example

Suppose a person has name Harish Malik (an Indian Name). We'll see whether this name is lucky for him or not. For this we have to calculate the compound number of his name.
H = 5 M = 4
A = 1 A = 1
R = 2 L = 3
I = 1 I = 1
S = 3 K = 2
H = 5

17 ______


17 + 11 = 28

The compound Number of 'Harish Malik' is 28

Let us read the interpretation of Number 28

28. A number of contradictions. It symbolized a person
of great promise and possibilities who is likely to see all
taken away from him unless he carefully arrange for the
future. It also indicates loss through trust in others, opposition
and competition in trade, danger of loss through law, and
the likelihood of having to begin life's road over and over again
It is not a fortunate number.

As is evident from above the compound number of Harish Malik 28 is not a fortunate number as it'll keep creating problems for him. Thus. it is better for him to either change his name or make some alteration in his name's spelling.

After making some adding/replacing of letters in his name spelling, suppose Harish decided to write his name as

'Hareesh Malik'

From pronunciation point of view (in indian context) he will still be pronounced as Harish. However, let us see what will be his new compound number :
H = 5 M = 4
A = 1 A = 1
R = 2 L = 3
E =5 I = 1
E = 5 K = 2
S = 3 ______


H = 5


26 + 11 = 37

The compound Number of 'Hareesh Malik' is 37

Let us read the interpretation of Number 37

37. This number has a distinct potency of its own. It is a number of good and fortunate friendships in love, and in combinations connected with the opposite sex. It is also good for partnerships of all kinds. It is a fortunate indication if it appears in connection with future events.

You can see the new name (although the same name with altered spelling) is extremely lucky for Harish. So it would be better for him to change his name to 'Hareesh Malik'

Using the above method, you can easily find about your own name whether it's lucky for you or not.
An important thing

The above method of finding the lucky name is not limited to the name of individuals only. You can use this method to calculate whether the name of your business, your city, your any projects (such as movies, TV serials etc) is lucky for you or not.

In case of city, you may choose whether the city where you proposed a new business is lucky for you or not.

Now we'll learn to calculate a lucky day by using compound number as this method is slightly different from the one we used above to find a lucky name.

Using compound Numbers
to find a lucky day


We shall now learn to find a lucky day using compound numbers.

The Rule

Add your birth number and the number of the date (you want to know) into the compound number of your name. The resultant number will be the compound number whose interpretation you should see to find if it's a lucky one or not.

An Example

Suppose this person Hareesh Malik whose name we discussed in previous section wants to know whether 2nd September will be lucky for him or not. Suppose the date of birth of Hareesh is 3rd May. So

The compound Number of Hareesh's full name is 37 (calculated in previous section)

His birth number is 3 (3rd May); and

the date he wants to determine (2nd September ) has compound number 02

We shall add all the above three

37 + 03 + 02 = 42

The compound Number that has come is 42

Let us read the interpretation of Number 42

42. Has the same meaning as the number 24.

Since it has the same meaning as 24, let us read the meaning of 24.

24. This is also a fortunate number. It promises the assistance and association of those of rank and position with one's plans; it also denotes gain through love and the opposite
sex; it is a favourable number when it comes out in relation
to future events.

As is evident from above the compound number 24 for the date 2nd September is lucky for Hareesh Malik. Thus he may use this date for any of his important task.

By using the above method, you can easily find about any lucky day in future.

Have a look at our blog to see how people of different backgrounds are changing their Names using Name Numerology.

Get Your Numerology Reading

(Free numerology reading provided by Affinity)

Sunday, June 3, 2007


Numerology is any of many systems, traditions or beliefs in a mystical or esoteric relationship between numbers and physical objects or living things.

Numerology and numerological divination were popular among early mathematicians, such as Pythagoras, but are no longer considered part of mathematics and are regarded as pseudomathematics by most scientists. This is similar to the historical development of astronomy out of astrology, and chemistry from alchemy.

Today, numerology is often associated with the occult, alongside astrology and similar divinatory arts. The term can also be used for those who, in the view of some observers, place excess faith in numerical patterns, even if those people don't practice traditional numerology.